Sunday, July 18, 2010

let there be laugh

From now on, every time I see an Olive Garden commercial, when the commercial patrons make their requisite stupid joke, I will faux-laugh as loudly and obnoxiously as possible. No matter where I am. Alone. Amidst a giant group of strangers. On a date with the man of my dreams. Or a date that's hopelessly awkward. That's probably the same date in both scenarios. Anyway! The point is: loud, obnoxious laughter. Everywhere.

Try it. It may just be my greatest idea EVER. Faux-laugh after "alfredo". You'll see.


  1. OMG. How did you post a youtube video? I cannot figure it out for the life of me.

    And the faux laugh is amazing. I was just watching a documentary about the human face that did a study on fake laughter and laughter groups in India. Apparently, those Olive Garden patrons will have a longer life by fake laughing over their endless pasta bowl of failed acting dreams.

  2. I definitely just did that. just for you.

  3. I think that the saddest part of all is how much I would kill to be a flaughing Olive Garden commercial patron.

  4. My roommate and I just did this. :)

  5. Isn't it even funnier when you actually really laugh while you fake laugh? I hope you enjoyed yourselves lol!
